Nidal’s Story - 17

Panel 1: Nidal’s father is reading the Lebanese newspaper Annahar. The front page announces the establishment of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, formed in Kuwait in 1964.
Panel 2: The collapse of Intra Bank on October 14, 1966 was a momentous event, setting off a major financial crisis in Lebanon and sending shockwaves throughout the region.
Panel 3: The radio announcement about the USS Liberty approaching the Egyptian coast occurred during the 1967 war.
Panel 4: The Cairo Agreement was reached on November 2, 1969 during talks between Yasser Arafat and then-Lebanese Army commander General Emile Bustani, with Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser overseeing the deal. The agreement established the right for Palestinians in Lebanon “to join the Palestinian revolution through armed struggle” and allowed Palestinians independent legal control over their refugee camps in the country. The agreement was rescinded by the Lebanese parliament on May 27, 1987.